
Data sources

Learn which data sources you can set up in Improvado

Setup Guides

The following data source pages include Description, Schema information, Setup guide and Troubleshooting sections.

Frequently asked questions

How to extract data from a Data source?

Click on the Extract button for the required Connection in the Connected sources list.

Then, you can set up the data extraction in four simple steps:

  1. Select accounts
  2. Choose Extraction templates
  3. Configure Extraction template
  4. ~Configure Extraction schedule
  5. ~Select the required dimensions & metrics
  1. Check the result

You can check out a more in-depth guide here.

Can you show me the list of available Report types?

You can find an extensive overview of all common Report types by Data sources in the Improvado Data Dictionary. It includes metrics, properties, dimensions, etc.

If you didn’t find Report types you were looking for - you can create a request for a new Request type via the Service Desk.

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Improvado team is always happy to help with any other questions you might have! Send us an email.

Contact your Customer Success Manager or raise a request in Improvado Service Desk.