Connect Branch to Looker Without SQL

Accelerate marketing data ops: reduce time to insights with Improvado.

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What is Branch?

Branch is a powerful mobile measurement and deep-linking platform used by enterprise companies to drive app growth and improve user experiences. With Branch, businesses can accurately measure marketing campaigns, optimize user engagement, and increase conversion rates. By leveraging Branch's attribution data and analytics tools, companies gain valuable insights into user behavior and app performance, enabling data-driven decision-making and improved ROI.

What is Looker?

Looker is a modern data platform that empowers enterprise companies to make data-driven decisions by delivering real-time, actionable insights. With Looker, businesses can easily explore, analyze, and share data across teams and departments, fostering a data-driven culture. Looker's robust data modeling capabilities and intuitive visualization tools enable users to create custom dashboards and reports, providing a comprehensive view of business performance. By integrating Looker with various data sources, companies can streamline their analytics workflows and drive better business outcomes.

Connecting Branch to Looker

Connecting Branch to Looker can be achieved through a series of steps:

  • Export data from Branch: Begin by extracting the desired data from Branch, such as attribution data, user event data, and app performance metrics. This will typically involve using Branch APIs or exporting data directly from the Branch dashboard.
  • Prepare data for import: Once the data is extracted, it must be transformed and normalized to ensure compatibility with Looker. This may involve data cleansing, format conversion, and schema mapping.
  • Import data to Looker: With the data prepared, it can be imported into Looker for analysis. This can be done through manual uploads, API integrations, or third-party data connectors.
  • Create custom data models: In Looker, build custom data models to define the relationships between the imported Branch data and other data sources, enabling comprehensive analysis.
  • Visualize and analyze data: Use Looker's powerful visualization tools to create custom dashboards and reports that provide insights into Branch data. This allows for deep analysis, uncovering trends, and identifying opportunities for optimization.
  • Consider using Improvado: Instead of manually connecting Branch to Looker, leverage Improvado's advanced data extraction and load capabilities to streamline the process and improve data quality.

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We now rely fully on Improvado for multiple dashboards that we use for day-to-day marketing operations and strategy, as well as for presentations to executive leadership.

Waleed Noury, Senior Media Analyst at Activision
Waleed Noury
Senior Media Analyst
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Connecting Branch to Looker with Improvado

Improvado is the ideal solution for connecting Branch to Looker, offering a comprehensive and scalable data pipeline that simplifies data extraction, transformation, and visualization. By automating the process of extracting data from Branch and loading it into Looker, Improvado eliminates the need for manual data preparation and reduces the risk of errors. Additionally, Improvado's pre-built metrics and dimensions for Branch ensure that the most relevant data is readily available for analysis in Looker.

With Improvado, businesses benefit from a customizable and scalable solution that can handle large volumes of data, centralize marketing and sales data, and adapt to changing business needs. Additionally, Improvado offers exceptional customer support, assisting clients with setup, integration, and ongoing maintenance. By leveraging Improvado's expertise, companies can focus on driving value from their Branch and Looker integration, rather than managing complex data pipelines.

Summary of connection Branch to Looker

In summary, connecting Branch to Looker enables businesses to gain valuable insights into their marketing campaigns, user engagement, and app performance. By utilizing Improvado's advanced data pipeline solution, companies can streamline the process of extracting, transforming, and visualizing Branch data within Looker. The benefits of using Improvado include scalability, customization, high-quality customer support, the ability to process large volumes of data, and centralization of marketing and sales data. To learn more about how Improvado can help your business connect Branch and Looker, book a call with an expert today.

Reliable insights with Improvado

Trusted by the leading data-driven companies, Improvado is an advanced marketing analytics providing businesses with fully automated no-code data pipelines: from data to insights.

  • Reliable data pipeline — automatically get analysis-ready data from hundreds of marketing platforms.
  • Any BI platform — clean and consistent dashboards in Looker Studio, Tableau, and PowerBI.
  • Compliance – HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA, and SOC2 certified, Improvado covers your data pipeline with Enterprise-grade SLA.
  • Best in class Customer Success – dedicated CSMs and Professional Services to build custom data connectors and modify dashboards.
Improvado helps ASUS streamline global marketing reporting.
Illy employs Improvado to unify marketing data from 140 regional branches.
Activision relies fully on Improvado for its marketing dashboard.

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