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Marketing data centralization: a way to 10X your ROAS

Centralizing your marketing data is essential in order to build reliable data visualizations. This, in turn, helps marketing leaders uncover actionable insights into channel and campaign performance. Unlock your 10x ROAS potential with our guide.

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marketing dashboard template

Marketing data centralization: a way to 10X your ROAS

Centralizing your marketing data is essential in order to build reliable data visualizations. This, in turn, helps marketing leaders uncover actionable insights into channel and campaign performance. Unlock your 10x ROAS potential with our guide.

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Your single source of marketing truth

Data coming from various platforms is key to managing marketing budgets and increasing advertising ROI. The challenge is that marketing and sales sources generate tons of data without a unified format. This data requires alignment, preparation, and visualization prior to making any data-driven decisions.

A centralized data warehouse is a uniform knowledge base for all your marketing and sales analytics needs. That unified data storage further becomes a solid foundation for visualizations built with business intelligence (BI) software—dashboards providing in-depth insight into marketing performance and return on every invested dollar. On top of that, centralized data makes collaboration between sales and marketing teams more effective through a higher visibility of the metrics and a faster data exchange process between departments.

Marketing and sales data centralization is also an important step into the future. According to Gartner, by 2025, 75% of the highest growth companies will move from sales enablement to revenue enablement and employ a Revenue Operations (RevOps) model to leverage today’s rapidly shifting buying and selling dynamic, leading to massive growth in marketing and sales data volumes and complexity.

Table of contents: 

  • The era of omnichannel is now
  • Dashboards allow you to be in control of omnichannel marketing
  • Data centralization: a dashboard’s backbone
  • Data heavy-lifting: ETL solutions
  • Uncovering insights you can trust with ETL
  • What companies like ASUS have achieved through data centralization
  • Your path to achieving a 10x ROAS
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Marketing data centralization: a way to 10X your ROAS

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Marketing data centralization: a way to 10X your ROAS

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Marketing data centralization: a way to 10X your ROAS

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Marketing data centralization: a way to 10X your ROAS

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Marketing data centralization: a way to 10X your ROAS

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