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Domo vs Datorama vs Improvado vs Funnel.io vs Supermetrics

Domo vs Datorama vs Improvado vs Funnel.io vs Supermetrics

If you're a marketer or agency running campaigns across platforms like Facebook, Linkedin, and Adwords for example-- data aggregation process is kind of a nightmare.

It takes 20-30 hours a week just to log into each platform, export data, and upload it into excel or a BI tool like Tableau.

Companies like improvado.io are working to solve this problem by automating data aggregation and reporting for marketers.

That way, marketers can view all their data in one place, in real time. Spending their time strategically making faster business decisions, rather than doing tedious spreadsheet work.

In this post, I will compare the differences between the leading platforms, Domo vs Datorama vs Improvado vs Funnel.io vs Supermetrics. I will rate them from 1-5 stars based on the best tool for marketing data aggregation.

Read carefully because they are all different!


Improvado logo
Improvado rating

What is Improvado?

Improvado is a tool built by marketers, for marketers to get all their data into one place, in real-time, with automated marketing dashboards and reports.

Who should use improvado.io?

Since the platform is specifically focused on the marketing dilemma, it will connect to absolutely any marketing platform you need. Plus, the integrations run deep, pulling in granular data from the keyword and ad level, so that you can see the complete picture.

The platform is extremely simple and intuitive, so you won't need any developers to help you implement it or make changes.

The biggest benefit I see for improvado.io is that their customer service reps are included in every package and are highly attentive. They'll help you build out custom dashboards and integrations to ensure that you're visualizing your data in exactly the way you need it.

You can choose to view your data inside the improvado.io dashboard or you have the freedom to extract your data and download it, send it to a data warehouse, or visualize it in the BI tool of your choice, like Tableau or Looker.


  • Full support with a customer service rep included
  • Marketing integrations are deep and granular, so you can see data at the keyword or ad level
  • Ability to create custom metrics and map data across platforms
  • Great for ad agencies managing campaigns for multiple clients or in-house marketers who manage campaigns across multiple platforms
  • Aggregate all your marketing data into one place, in real time.
  • Reduce manual reporting time by 90%.
  • No developers needed.
  • Plug and play
  • Completely customizable and will build out any custom integration


  • Some of the more granular features can be a bit complicated, but support is great about walking users through them.
  • In order to get your dashboards and reports visualized in exactly the way you want, there may be some initial back and forth with your customer support rep.

Improvado Pricing:

Improvado does custom pricing for its platform. If you set up a call with them, they will assess your needs and share pricing details.

improvado.io pricing

Improvado Integrations

500+ Integrations, plus, they will build out custom integrations for any data source you need.



Domo logo
Domo rating

What is Domo?

Domo is software that specializes in data visualization and business intelligence. 

Who should use Domo?

Domo is best for C-level executives at enterprise companies looking for a company-wide (non-marketing specific) BI tool to create executive level dashboards.

The important thing to note is that it is not specifically focused on marketing data, just business data in general. That means, it's capacity is vast when it comes to business intelligence and executive dashboards company-wide, but may not be the best pick for aggregating and visualizing marketing data specifically, because marketing integrations are limited, the connectors don't run as deeply and the tool overall may be too expensive for just the marketing team's use.


  • Offers more than 500 connectors across Finance, HR, IT, Operations, Sales and Marketing.

  • Ability to view real-time data in one dashboard

  • Don't need to get IT department involved in implementation


  • Not focused specifically on marketing, so marketing integrations are limiting
  • Domo is completely cloud-based which may be a drawback if you have most of your data on-site.
  • You have to view your data on the Domo dashboard, you can't export it, save it as a file, or view it on the BI tool of your choice.
  • Domo is fairly secretive about their pricing and is cost prohibitive for many businesses.
  • Lack of improvement. There hasn’t been a major refresh of the platform in years, or much product innovation to speak of.
  • Requires tons of professional services to get up and running
  • Customer support is sub-par - there are fees associated with all of the customer service trainings and onboardings
  • No database provided with the software package, you need a separate budget allocation for that


"If you've got a lot of money and would like a powerful charting tool then this is a great solution. I don't think it completely fills your business intelligence/reporting needs though. I'm not sure how Domo runs their contract lengths, but I'd definitely recommend going month by month for a trial period before committing to a long term contract. That way you can see if their software works for you."

"Prior to investing in DOMO ensure that your data sources will allow an outside feed/API. We did find one of our EHRs would not allow this and it requires a manual process for us to feed the data to DOMO. This does not allow real-time data to be reflected in several of our reports."

Domo Marketing Integrations:

100+ integrations

Domo Pricing:

Pricing is offered on an annual subscription basis, and depends upon the number of users that need access. The company does offer a 30 day free trial.

Domo pricing




datorama logo
Datorama rating

What is Datorama?

Datorama is an analytics and business intelligence platform that aims to helps marketers unify their data across platforms into a single source of truth.

Who should use Datorama?

Highly technical marketing teams or teams with engineering resources. You will need to know SQL in order to use Datorama effectively.

They do focus specifically on the marketing dilemma, and they claim to have every integration possible (even ones that don't offer API connections, which is questionable?). The biggest challenge I see with Datorama is that the software is very technical and complex. Often teams need to hire an implementation engineer that knows the Datorama coding language, just to get it set up properly or to make any changes.

However, once you do have it set up properly, the tool is pretty powerful. Datorama may be too expensive for some companies, especially given the fact that you'll need to upgrade to a premium level if you want access to a customer service rep.


  • Claim to have 400 marketing integrations (*but it's impossible to find a list anywhere on their site)
  • Powerful visualization capability


  • Steep learning curve as the platform is not very intuitive
  • Difficult to set up new campaigns or make changes without an implementation engineer
  • You can only view your data through the Datorama dashboard, you can't export it, save it as a file, or view it on the BI tool of your choice.
  • Customers are charged by the number of lines of data, which can be very cost prohibitive if you have numerous campaigns running.
  • Naming conventions are confusing. Some metrics are named very differently from how they appear in the source.
  • Access to a customer service rep is an up-charge.
  • Getting data to a workable state is a really manual process
  • Database solution is not provided
  • Cross-channel comparison is limited


"I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Datorama (leaning more towards love). I do appreciate how intricate it can be and I like that I can always rely on their team to help solve any questions I or my clients may have...It can be cumbersome to setup and the learning curve on this for clients *can* be steep. Clients need to understand what it's meant for and what they can do before they start changing metrics on the fly."

Datorama Pricing:

Datorama charges customers based on lines of data. If users have several campaigns running, this can get rather expensive.

Datorama Integrations:

They claim to have 400 marketing integrations, but it's impossible to find a list anywhere on their site.




funnel.io logo
Funnel.io rating

What is Funnel.io?

Funnel.io is a marketing analytics tools that strives to integrate with all of the advertising and marketing platforms marketers use.

Who should use Funnel.io?

The platform allows you to map and group data, similar to Improvado, and data can be sent directly to a data warehouse, a dashboard solution, Google Data Studio, and Google Sheets. Funnel.io, however, doesn’t have a direct integration with Tableau.


The main benefit of the platform is that is quite simple and fairly self-serve. Since the cost is tied to ad spend, as your business ad spend grows, the platform may become more costly.


  • Features more than 400 integrations with a focus on adtech
  • You can export your data
  • Large amount flexibility in visualization widgets 


  • Difficult to get granular data. Unable to get data at the ad set level on Facebook or information about Users or Sessions from Google Analytics
  • They do not offer a database solution - you have to pay for that separately.
  • No attribution reporting
  • When channels update APIs is not customizable
  • Creating and using data transformations are difficult to learn - there are several different subcategories that you have to teach yourself to use the system properly
  • Matching sources to dimensions is challenging
  • No direct Tableau integration
  • More limitations than other platforms
  • Users are unable to create custom metrics
  • It's difficult to add multiple accounts to one report. For example, if you are an agency wanting to look at multiple AdWords accounts under one report, you may have difficulty doing so


"While Funnel has a ton of flexibility, I'd love to see Funnel implement unique metrics (metrics that can't be stored by day) as there are a handful of metrics our clients want to see in their Funnel dashboards but aren't available."

"I am yet to understand the GUI in more detail. And pricing could be a bit cheaper. Other than that, I am very enthusiastic about the software. It enables us to truly apply data-driven marketing."

Funnel.io Pricing:

Pricing is based on ad spend. While the platform boasts unlimited users and data sources, there is an additional fee each month for every additional destination you want to connect your data to.

Funnel.io pricing

Funnel.io Integrations

●     Funnel.io claims to offer 400 data sources.




supermetrics logo
Supermetrics rating

What is Supermetrics?

Supermetrics is a simple data extraction platform for marketers. It is a tool that helps marketers by pulling social, SEO, PPC, and analytics data into a single place for reporting and analysis.

Who should use Supermetrics?

All the platform really does is pull your data from a limited list of platforms into Google Sheets or Google Data Studio. 

You should use Supermetrics if you are part of a scrappy startup and mainly use Facebook, Adwords and Google Analytics and just need help getting that data into Google Sheets. If you end up using any other channels or need any more sophisticated dashboards or visualization, this will not be that helpful.


  • Good for extracting granular data from Facebook, Adwords, and Google Analytics.


  • They don't offer transformation. You can't map the data together across platforms, you'd have to do that on your own.
  • They don't offer any visualizations.
  • They have a lot of data accuracy issues.
  • Initial setup can be difficult.
  • They don't have integrations with many BI tools. You can only send your data to Google Sheets or Google Data Studio.
  • Google spreadsheets has a limited number of rows of data, so you'll get capped out if you need to export too many lines of data.
  • You'll need to run your own queries on top of your google sheets.
  • They claim to have 40+ integrations, but the rest of them are very basic without access to granular data.
  • No database solution.
  • Difficult to use throughout processes.


"The initial set-up is rather awkward and it can be very difficult to work out what to fix if it stops working for whatever reason."

"Overall good tool but could improve with offering more integrations."

Supermetrics Pricing:

Supermetrics is the cheapest solution by far, starting at $19 per month, but their product offering is very rudimentary.

There are different plans depending on where you plan to send your data, and the cost adds up quickly if you need to purchase any of the add ons.

Supermetrics pricing

Supermetrics Integrations

They claim to have 40+ integrations, but they don't provide a list of integrations on their site.


If you're in the market for a marketing analytics platform to help you aggregate all your data into one place, you'll likely want to review this list in detail, comparing Domo vs Datorama vs Improvado vs Funnel.io vs Supermetrics.

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