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Top 7 Supermetrics Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

Supermetrics is a data integration platform with its strong and weak points. If you have run into Supermetrics' limitations or are considering whether to integrate it or not, take a look at the top seven Supermetrics alternatives outlined below and make an informed decision. 

Supermetrics Overview

Supermetrics pulls data from multiple sources and centralized it in the final destination.

Supermetrics is a data aggregation and exporting tool explicitly designed to meet the needs of marketing teams. The platform pulls data from 100+ sales and marketing data sources and brings it to the reporting, visualization, and BI tools or data warehousing of the client's choice. Supermetrics supports popular data destinations like Tableau, Power BI, Excel, Looker Studio, Snowflake, BigQuery, and others. 

Note: Supermetrics doesn’t provide an option to load data to different destinations under one billing plan.

Since Supermetrics doesn't have data transformation functionality, except for the Custom Fields, companies choosing Supermetrics must have in-house IT resources or data analysts who will be responsible for keeping the data organized. Current customers have mentioned that Supermetrics automatically pulls tons of data when connecting a new data source, and you need to do the manual work to sort through it. You'll also need to handle the unification of naming conventions if you pull data from multiple sources into one report. 

Another drawback of skipping the data transformation stage is that customers can't combine data or run complex formulas. For example, Supermetrics for Looker Studio (formerly Google Data Studio) works directly with Looker Studio via an add-on. Users are unable to combine data from multiple sources and create complex formulas or parsings, which limits cross-channel reporting capabilities.  

The platform doesn't provide a data storage solution, which is good in terms of data security. But on the flip side, customers mention that if you need to save historical data, you'll need to use Google Sheets or other platforms. 

Supermetrics pushes your data from A to B. Improvado handles the whole marketing analytics cycle.

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Who Should Use Supermetrics?

In short: Marketing teams in small businesses with basic data needs and low number of data sources

Supermetrics is a marketing- and sales-centric tool, but even marketers need to double-check whether the tool has all the necessary connectors or not. Another option is to request a custom connector, which can be built if the data is available through the API. Users can submit their requests on the Supermetrics Roadmap website, vote for the data sources suggested by other users, and see connectors available in beta.

This approach doesn't guarantee that the Supermetrics connector will be delivered. Overall, users don't have any framework to request a custom connector or ask for additional metrics and dimensions to be added to an existing connector. 

When choosing Supermetrics, a company also needs data analysts on its team to do the manual work and keep an eye on data accuracy. The software catalogs include many customer reviews explaining how they ran into a bug or noticed the platform wasn't pulling data for weeks without notifying them of the issue. The analyst is required to do data source reauthorization, manually pull a refresh, and check if the daily queries have been processed. It's the only way to make sure you have all your data at hand, and that it's harmonized and analysis-ready.

Another reason Supermetrics is best equipped for the needs of small-business brands is that the tool experiences performance issues when processing more than 100,000 data rows or more than 10,000 to 15,000 data rows per request for slow APIs. These issues slow down the data aggregating process and require constant supervision and debugging. 

Additionally, Supermetrics doesn't provide bulk editing, setup, or reloading features, meaning each query, data update, or error should be handled separately.

Supermetrics Pricing

Supermetrics clients complain about the exponentially and unfounded growing pricing.

The price for Supermetrics depends on the final destination and the number of data sources your company needs. For example, the Essential plan for Supermetrics for Google Sheets is $69 per month, billed annually. For this price, you get just 11 predetermined data sources and 5 accounts per data source, weekly automated refreshes, and a space for one user. Any additional data source will come at a price of $35/month. Thus, Supermetrics becomes expensive real quick.

If your preferred destination is Tableau, you'll need to go for the Supermetrics API product and request custom pricing. Supermetrics also offers a 14-day free trial, but you need to choose your destination first.

Supermetrics Integrations

Supermetrics supports 100+ data sources, including web analytics, email marketing, paid media, sales, and other platforms. When choosing Supermetrics, keep in mind that the number of tools and which integrations you get will depend on the billing plan you choose. 

Even though Supermetrics offers a lower number of integrations compared to its competitors, the platform allows relatively high data granularity. Supermetrics pulls a larger number of metrics and dimensions when compared to Adverity, an ETL solution described later in this article. 

Why Look for a Supermetrics Alternative?

Here's the list of reasons you may consider switching to another data solution:

  • Supermetrics supports a relatively low number of data sources. 
  • The tool provides more data granularity than some competitors, like Adverity. But at the same time, tools like Improvado allow you to pull even more metrics and dimensions for more granular analysis and deeper customer insights. 
  • Supermetrics only supports the extract and load functionalities. Your team will have to do transformations manually or use other tools to clean data and avoid duplications and errors. 
  • It requires a lot of querying and manual processes to work with data pulled by Supermetrics. 
  • Disturbingly, in their reviews, many customers mention their problems with messy data and the large number of bugs they ran into when working with Supermetrics. 
  • Another big thing is the Supermetrics customer support. The G2 rating for the company's quality of support is 7.5 out of 10. Supermetrics' competitors on the list have a minimum rating of 9.2. 

Improvado (Best Supermetrics Alternative)

Improvado is an advanced marketing analytics solution built for companies with complex analytics needs.

Improvado is the best Supermetrics alternative. It is an enterprise-grade marketing analytics platform powered by a robust Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) solution. It means that, unlike Supermetrics, Improvado supports the whole data pipeline process and automates every step of the marketing reporting process:

  • Improvado pulls data from 500+ data sources, whether a paid ads platform, CRM, email marketing, marketing automation, sales, or any other marketing tool. Improvado offers pre-built and custom data extraction templates to further simplify the process.
  • Once the data is aggregated, Improvado applies data transformations to organize complex data to suit your BI and analytics requirements. 
  • Then, Improvado pushes high-quality, dashboard-ready data to a destination of your choice, such as Power BI, Redash, Tableau, Google BigQuery, ClickHouse, and others.
Improvado is the best Supermetrics alternative for midsize and enterprise companies.

The biggest difference between Supermetrics and Improvado is the advanced data transformation features. 

Improvado offers two data transformation options: 

  • Marketing Common Data Model (MCDM), an out-of-the-box solution that automatically transforms and merges data from multiple sources. The tool comes with a pre-built cross-channel Data Studio dashboard and dashboard templates. The tool takes two weeks to master and doesn't require IT resources or technical expertise. 
  • DataPrep, an enterprise-grade self-service transformation solution. The tool offers over 300 features and functionalities to apply data transformation rules and automates lengthy data cleansing processes. DataPrep is a no-code solution, but it still takes around two months to master. 

The transformation engine eliminates time wasted on manual data cleansing and normalization, saving your team 80-100 hours/per week. 

Who Should Use Improvado?

In short: Midsize and enterprise companies building custom reports for multiple regions/internal clients

Improvado is designed to meet the needs of marketing, sales, and revenue departments in medium-sized and enterprise companies. 

Improvado provides a great level of customization, whether your team requires a custom connector to pull additional metrics and dimensions from the supported data source, custom data transformation rule, or custom dashboard. In addition to that, the Improvado Professional Services team provides data warehouse management services. The warehouse is run on the client's end, and the client company reserves full control of its data. 

Additionally, Improvado provides a marketing attribution modeling solution that helps brands to get a better understanding of every touchpoint within their customer journey and the revenue they've generated. The solution works with first-party cookies and in a cookieless environment, and it comes with single-touch and multi-touch models. 

Some of Improvado's clients are: 

  • Global hardware company ASUS, which uses the Improvado solution to pull its global marketing data and analyze the performance of its brands in different geographic regions. 
  • Italian coffee company Illy, which uses Improvado to perform cross-channel analysis.
  • Software and mobile tech company Hyperconnect, which achieved better data operations, less data inaccuracy, and saved team resources.

Improvado Pricing

Improvado offers a pricing model tailored to the customer's needs and their intended use of the product. 

The company only gets a quote after discussing its reporting needs and business objectives on a 30-min call with a member of the sales team. You only pay for the features you need and actually use, as well as the number of data rows required. 

Improvado Integrations

Improvado supports 500+ data sources, from advertising, marketing attribution, and analytics tools to payments, data providers, and marketing automation. See the full list of integrations

Improvado offers additional data extraction options like flat-file ingestion, raw data extraction through email, spreadsheet, Amazon S3, and FTP/SFTP. Customers can also request a custom connector through Data Extraction Customization Services (DECS) which will be delivered in six weeks at the most. 

To truly provide a holistic picture of your marketing and sales efforts across all channels, Improvado pulls over 33,000 metrics and dimensions from the data sources, allowing companies to go beyond shallow processing.

Let's take Facebook as an example. Improvado supports 84 Facebook report types, such as Device Campaign, Campaign Country Month Reach, Custom Conversions With Breakdowns, Geo Ad Groups, and more. In total, Imrprovado can pull up to 4,700 Facebook Ads, pages, and groups metrics and dimensions.


Funnel.io is an automated data collection solution that pulls marketing data from 500+ sources, applies transformations, and pushes it to a visualization platform, analytics tool, or data warehouse. The biggest differences between the two are Funnel.io's catalog of data transformation features and that the tool provides managed data warehouse services so clients can store their data. 

Funnel is a low-code data platform that automates marketing data collection, preparation, and analysis.

Funnel.io's data transformation capabilities include:

  • Automatic categorization of data into metrics and dimensions, meaning all of your quantifiable data, such as clicks, likes and cost, goes into the “Metrics” tab, and things like country, name, and ads ID get automatically placed into the “Dimensions” tab.
  • Currency conversion.
  • Custom dimensions and metrics to set rules on combining data across multiple sources.
  • Some data normalization and data mapping features.
  • UTM-correlated grouping of data.

Funnel also has a dashboard called Data Explorer that allows users to examine the raw data, as well as save and share their queries.

Who Should Use Funnel.io?

In short: Small businesses and mid-market companies with a small set of cross-channel needs

The majority of Funnel’s customers are small businesses.

Funnel.io is a no-code solution, which means the tool is accessible to marketing teams with zero technical expertise and resources. The company itself mentions three major client profiles of the product:

  • Marketing agencies striving to streamline client reporting;
  • eCommerce aiming to analyze what marketing efforts have the biggest impact on sales; and
  • B2B brands that want to aggregate data on offline and online marketing campaigns and analyze their performance.

Choosing Funnel.io over Supermetrics, a company will still have to do its fair share of manual work and require additional IT resources to normalize data and prepare it for reporting. 

Funnel.io Pricing

Funnel.io offers two types of pricing plans: one for marketers and another for marketing agencies. The plans for marketers include the Essential plan (starting at $400 per month, billed annually), the Plus plan (starting at $1,100 per month, billed annually), and the Enterprise plan (starting at $2,400 per month, billed annually).

The options for agencies include the Agency Small, Agency Medium, and Agency Large plans at the same price points as the plans for marketers.

Funnel.io also uses a system of Flexpoints, which are tokens to visualize available and used capabilities, like data sources, services, and destinations. Each plan comes with a predetermined number of Flexpoints that a client can spend over the billing period. If you don't put every point to use, however, those remaining will not be rolled over to the new subscription period. And if a client exceeds their available points, Funnel.io will charge for additional services.

Overall, Funnel.io, much like Supermetrics, supports only easy data transformation tasks. The rest should be done manually or using other data transformation tools.

In turn, Improvado, with its enterprise-grade data transformation engine, simplifies and automates data transformation tasks, saving teams 80-100 hours per week. Free from data hassle, marketing teams have more time and resources to run experiments and build marketing strategies and campaigns.

Book a call with the Improvado expert to experience the power of automated data transformation.

Funnel.io Integrations

Funnel.io supports over 500 connectors, but most of the data sources are marked as custom (meaning they were built for a specific customer). Therefore, users are required to carry out additional configurations.

Customers on the Plus and Enterprise plans can also request custom data connectors if their needs exceed Funnel.io's current data exporting capabilities.


Adverity is a data analytics platform. It's core functionality includes:

  • Automated data aggregation from 600+ data sources;
  • Advanced data transformations, including data mapping and data harmonization features;
  • Loading of the data to data visualization and BI tools or data warehouses;
  • An ML-powered insights tool; and
  • Pre-built dashboards and customizable reports.

Who Should Use Adverity?

In short: Small and mid-sized businesses with SQL and Python knowledge and the time to overcome a steep learning curve

To derive value from Adverity and its capabilities, users must overcome a steep learning curve and have good product and often technical knowledge. When signing up for Adverity, a client gets access to a one-month onboarding training program, but other than that, the team's professional support is limited. 

Another reason Adverity may not be fitted for enterprise companies is the lack of process automation. As one of the customers noted in their Adverity review on G2: "The tool is not that automated as I wish it would be. the data connection and data bug identification or correction needs a lot of manual effort... Some settings and specifications (e.g., filters) are very rigid and fixed, which makes it difficult to use dashboards in a more agile and flexible way." 

Adverity Pricing

Adverity offers three pricing plans: 

  • Standard, starting at $500/month and including up to 15 basic data sources, 1 destination, and 200,000 data rows;
  • Professional, starting at $2,000/month and going with an unlimited number of data sources, 2 destinations, greater functionality, and 500,000 data rows;
  • And a custom plan tailored to your company.

Adverity Integrations

Adverity has over 600 data connectors, which exceeds the offerings of any other tool on the list. But considering the large number of data sources, Adverity provides low data granularity. The tool supports a smaller number of metrics and dimensions than its competitors, which may prevent you from digging deep into the channel's performance or require you to do some manual data pulling.

Power My Analytics 

Power My Analytics is a data aggregation and integration solution that, much like Supermetrics, doesn't go beyond automating data collection.

Power My Analytics offers native API connectors to 40+ marketing-related platforms, mostly social media networks, ad platforms, and eCommerce tools. Similar to other Supermetrics alternatives, it also provides alternative data extraction options like FTP and SQL servers and flat-file feed.

Similar to Supermetrics, Power My Analytics doesn't support data normalization and transformation functionality. Customers can't blend their data, build custom metrics and tables, or run calculations before pushing their data to a data visualization solution. This limits advanced and cross-channel marketing reporting capabilities.

Who Should Use Power My Analytics?

In short: Small businesses, small marketing agencies, and freelancers relying on Looker Studio and Excel/Google Sheets marketing reports 

Power My Analytics caters to the needs of freelance marketers, small-business brands, and marketing agencies managing a small number of accounts and platforms.

Power My Analytics provides Looker Studio dashboard templates for various use cases. In addition, the team offers professional services, including custom dashboard building, data manipulations, and software training. It's a good starting point, but these services can't meet the needs of mid-market and enterprise companies. 

The platform doesn't integrate with BI and data visualization platforms like Power BI, Tableau, or Redash, and neither can it push data to data warehouses other than Google BigQuery. Power My Analytics doesn't offer any self-service tools for data manipulation and transformation, data pipeline customization services, or workflow automation solutions. 

Another thing to consider when choosing a marketing analytics solution is the ease of use. Some customers note that it takes a lot of technical skills to master Power My Analytics, and setup requires the help of a developer.

Power My Analytics Pricing

Power My Analytics offers four pricing plans with an option to customize the number of accounts per connector and multiple add-ons:

  • Single, comes with just 1 data source connector, starts at $14.95, billed monthly;
  • Business, includes 5 data source connectors, starts at $39.95, billed monthly;
  • Pro, grants access to all data source connectors, starts at $99.95, billed monthly;
  • Enterprise, starts at $295, billed monthly, and is the only plan that can be customized to push data to Tableau, Power BI, or other tools.

For customers on Single, Business, and Pro plans, Power My Analytics manages data in Google Cloud. Only Enterprise customers truly own their data and manage it on their MySQL data warehouse. Be aware of “vendor lock”, a situation when all your data is locked into a vendor and can't be transferred to any third-party solution. It can make your team dependent on the tool and vulnerable to any changes.

Power My Analytics Integrations

Power My Analytics provides native API connectors to 40+ marketing data sources, including popular platforms like Google Analytics, HubSpot, AdRoll, LinkedIn Ads, MailChimp, and others. 

The Power My Analytics features a form to request an integration your team needs, but the company doesn't specify if there is any framework in place to get a custom connector added to your account.


Fivetran is an automated cloud-based ETL tool.

Fivetran is an automated data movement platform that is more tech-heavy than other Supermetrics alternatives on the list. The platform is powered by an Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) solution that helps businesses extract data from 300+ data sources, apply transformation rules, and load their data to a desired destination. 

Fivetran offers advanced, in-destination transformation features, including integrated scheduling, triggered transformations, version control, and more. Customers can choose between Transformations for dbt Core scheduled in Fivetran or in Code and Quickstart data models available in beta to apply pre-built data models without creating a dbt project. All transformation options require engineering resources and strong SQL knowledge.

Who Should Use Fivetran?

In short: Data engineers, data analysts, and tech-savvy teams with strong engineering and SQL knowledge

Fivetran isn't a marketing-specific solution; the platform appeals to data engineers, operators, and analysts in various departments and industries. 

The platform has a steep learning curve and requires a knowledge of dbt to run data transformations and implement the downstream dependencies. Otherwise, the ETL processes take a lot of manual effort and become error-prone.

Additionally, Fivetran doesn’t provide custom APIs on request. Instead, customers code custom integrations, or so-called “Function” connectors, themselves. The task isn’t easy to complete: customers need to write a cloud function and manage connectors themselves. 

Manage your marketing strategy with Improvado, not the data pipeline with Fivetran
Improvado frees marketers from data hassle and lets them do marketing. It's a no-code solution that automates every step of the ETL process and marketing reporting and is easy to master. Customization and custom connectors are available to all customers through Data Extraction Customization Services and Professional Services.
Book a call

Fivetran Pricing

Fivetran features four pricing plans without disclosing any actual numbers: Free, Starter, Standard, and Enterprise. Each plan has its features and limitations, like the number of users, sync frequency, access to advanced features, support, and more.

Overall, the tool is rolling on a monthly active row-based pricing model, meaning it fully depends on the number of rows inserted, updated, or deleted. For companies syncing data from high-volume sources like Google Search or Google Ads, the pricing can get steep really quickly. It also makes it difficult to forecast the marketing budget.

Fivetran Integrations

Fivetran provides native data source connectors to over 300 platforms. The tool also supports other data extraction methods, including flat-file feed, cloud storage, and email. Customers can also write code to create custom connectors or get access to Fivetran’s REST API.


Stitch (formerly Stitch Data) is an automated ETL solution.‍

Stitch, also known as Stitch Data, is an automated cloud data platform that helps companies move their data from multiple sources to a designated warehouse for further analysis and processing. 

The platform provides a high level of control over the data pipeline with its orchestration features, including data replication frequency customization, logging and monitoring, API key management, configurable webhooks, and more. These features help tech-savvy teams to customize every step of the data extraction and loading process but, at the same time, can overcomplicate the process for others. 

As stated in the documentation, Stitch doesn't support user-defined data transformations. Advanced data transformation capabilities can only be accessed by signing up on Talend, Stitch Data’s “parent platform”. 

Who Should Use Stitch?

In short: Data analysts in small- and mid-market companies, processing lower  volumes of data and with a small set of data transformation needs

Stitch is most suitable for data analysts, data engineers, and business intelligence professionals looking for a tool to manage their data integration tasks.

Orchestration features and an SQL editor provide a setup for data management and pipeline control. While integration with multiple analytics tools and the most popular data warehouses helps automate and streamline the data ingestion process.

Note: Some customers complain about critical bugs and poor maintenance of data source connectors that ultimately lead to data damage and hours wasted on resolving the issue. Reviews suggest the Stitch team stopped new connector development and maintenance of the existing ones after the company was acquired in 2018.

Stitch Pricing 

Stitch offers three pricing plans: Standard (starting at $100 monthly), Advanced (starting at $1,250 monthly), and Premium (starting at $2,500 monthly). Advanced and Premium plans are billed annually. All plans are row-based and open access to a different number of sources, destinations, users, and features. 

Stitch Integrations

The platform aggregates data from 140+ sources, including Salesforce, Facebook Ads, Google Campaign Manager, and other popular marketing and sales platforms. 

Stitch also makes provisions for pushing data from custom sources, using Import API or building your own connectors with the Singer framework. 

Import API acts as a reception point for arbitrary data sent as JSON files, which is then processed and sent to the designated destination. The Singer framework is an open-source solution that allows you to build your own taps, or connectors. Both methods are highly technical and require coding expertise.


Whatagraph is a marketing reporting tool built for small businesses and agencies.

The last tool on this list of Supermetrics alternatives is Whatagraph. It's a reporting tool designed for marketing agencies and marketing teams in small businesses.

Whatagraph aggregates data from 40 data sources and provides users with 95 dashboard templates and drag-and-drop widgets, custom metrics and formulas to build a dashboard. Marketing agencies can customize their clients' reports with a white labeling solution and reflect their brand identity while sending dashboards.

The tool is straightforward and easy to use, but that is achieved through a lack of advanced features and use cases.

Who Should Use Whatagraph?

In short: Small businesses and small-scale marketing agencies that don't use third-party business intelligence and analytics tools 

Whatagraph is a good starting point for companies getting into marketing analytics and reporting. The tool doesn't require technical or coding experience to build a report, perform report segmentation and customization, and set up automated sharing.

While Whatagraph offers a range of customizable templates and the ability to drag and drop elements, it may not provide the level of customization enterprise brands require.

Additionally, the platform serves as the endpoint for your data. Whatagraph doesn't support integrations with Power BI, Looker Studio, Tableau, other analytics tools, or data warehouses. 

Whatagraph doesn't offer professional services for clients with unique needs. However, users get access to a dedicated account manager to help them through platform-related challenges.

Whatagraph Pricing 

Whatagraph runs on a three-tier pricing model: 

  • Professional, starting at $233 per month, which opens access for five users to pre-made templates, historical data, and some other features;
  • Premium, starting at $335 per month, which opens access for ten users to the same features in addition to a one-hour onboarding session and an overview feature;
  • Fully customizable pricing plan.  

Whatagraph Integrations

Whatagraph offers native integration to 40 platforms, covering a range of basic marketing tools. The platform lacks sales data source connectors, which makes it difficult to map the whole customer journey, from ad click to check amount.

Whatagraph also offers the Whatagraph Public API for technically-skilled users, which allows you to push data from external platforms. However, this is a paid add-on feature.


This article provides a comprehensive overview of the top three Supermetrics alternatives, but it doesn't give you a quick and easy answer to what solution to choose. The decision must be based on your company's unique needs and requirements. Before making a decision, you'll need to consider the exact data sources and opportunity to build custom connectors, the level of data granularity, available data transformation features, ease of setup and use, availability of professional services, and the quality of customer support.

If you're still unable to decide, contact our experts for a free consultation call.

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