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Understanding Campaign Manager 360 vs. Google DV360

Campaign Manager 360 (CM360) and Display & Video 360 (DV360) are both critical components of Google's Marketing Platform, each serving unique roles in the digital advertising ecosystem. 

While CM360 excels in managing and delivering ads across multiple channels, DV360 specializes in programmatic ad buying, allowing for more precise audience targeting and real-time optimization. 

Understanding the differences between these two platforms and how they complement each other can greatly enhance the effectiveness of digital advertising campaigns.

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Automatically validate campaign, brand, and data compliance for complex ad campaigns on Google Ads, DV360, Campaign Manager 360, and other advertising platforms with Marketing Data Governance. It is a robust solution for quality assurance across various aspects of campaign execution and analytics, from campaign setup to brand safety.

Overview: Distinguishing CM360 and DV360

CM360 focuses on managing and delivering ads across a variety of channels, including display, video, and social media.

Campaign Manager 360 (CM360) is Google's enterprise-level ad management and measurement platform, designed to handle ad serving, tracking, and comprehensive reporting across a variety of channels, including display, video, and social media.

CM360 enables businesses to centralize their ad operations, ensuring consistency and control across campaigns while providing detailed insights into performance metrics like impressions, clicks, and conversions. 

Campaign Manager 360 also offers a range of advanced features, including:

  • Floodlight Tags for Conversion Tracking: The tags allow advertisers to track and report on user actions after interacting with ads, such as purchases, sign-ups, or other key conversions. 
  • Cross-Channel Attribution: CM360 enables advanced attribution modeling by tracking user interactions across multiple channels and touchpoints. 
  • Third-Party Verification: CM360 integrates with third-party verification services to ensure ad placements meet brand safety, viewability, and fraud prevention standards.
  • Dynamic Retargeting: CM360 can help businesses re-engage users who have already interacted with their site or ads by showing them highly personalized ads that are relevant to their past behavior.

CM360 is ideal for large companies and agencies that require robust campaign management, detailed reporting, and the ability to track complex, multi-channel marketing strategies across a wide variety of platforms.

Google DV360 is a programmatic advertising platform that allows marketers to plan, buy, and measure display and video ads.

DV360, short for Google Display & Video 360, is a demand-side platform (DSP) that specializes in programmatic ad buying. It provides access to a wide range of ad exchanges and inventory sources, including display, video, connected TV, and audio.

Display & Video 360 (DV360) offers a comprehensive suite of tools for advanced programmatic advertising, including:

  • Real-Time Bidding (RTB): DV360 leverages real-time bidding to automate the purchase of ad inventory across multiple exchanges, ensuring that ads are served to the right audience at the right time while maximizing cost efficiency.
  • Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO): DCO allows advertisers to automatically tailor ad creatives in real-time based on user data, such as location, device, or browsing behavior. This personalization increases engagement and drives higher conversion rates.
  • Cross-Channel Campaign Management: DV360 supports campaigns across display, video, connected TV, mobile, and audio channels, providing a centralized platform for managing complex, multi-channel strategies.
  • Audience Targeting & Segmentation: Advertisers can leverage first-party, second-party, and third-party data for precise audience segmentation. DV360’s custom audience creation capabilities enable advertisers to target users based on specific behaviors, interests, and demographics.
  • Programmatic Guaranteed & Private Marketplace Deals (PMPs): DV360 offers access to premium inventory through Programmatic Guaranteed and Private Marketplace (PMP) deals, allowing advertisers to reserve ad space on high-quality publishers without bidding competition.

Together, CM360 and DV360 offer a powerful combination of ad management and programmatic buying capabilities. While CM360 provides the foundational tools for managing, serving, and tracking ads across channels, DV360 brings advanced programmatic features, including audience targeting, real-time optimization, and dynamic creative customization.

Key Differences Between CM360 and DV360

Though Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360 are both part of the Google Marketing Platform, they serve distinct roles in the digital advertising landscape. Their differences highlight their unique strengths and how they complement each other when used together.

1. Purpose and Functionality

  • CM360: CM360 focuses on delivering ads across multiple channels, including display, video, mobile, and social media. It acts as the central hub for ad trafficking, conversion tracking, and cross-channel reporting. CM360 is particularly valuable for managing and optimizing large-scale campaigns, ensuring that ads are delivered accurately across all platforms​ .
  • DV360: DV360 is tailored for programmatic buying of display and video ads. It allows for real-time bidding (RTB) on ad inventory across multiple ad exchanges, making it ideal for automating media purchases and optimizing ad placements at scale.

2. Audience Targeting

  • CM360: Provides tools for managing first-party data and building audience segments based on user interactions, such as website visits and conversions. These audience segments can then be shared with DV360 for use in programmatic campaigns. CM360 is excellent for ensuring precise audience segmentation and tracking​.
  • DV360: Expands on audience targeting by integrating both first-party and third-party data sources. It offers advanced features like activity-based audience builders and frequency capping across campaigns. DV360 also provides dynamic audience creation, enabling real-time adjustments based on campaign performance.

3. Workflow and Creative Management

  • CM360: In CM360, creative management is focused on centralized ad serving and tracking, allowing advertisers to manage and track their creative assets across all campaigns and platforms. The platform also supports dynamic ads and simplifies the process of handling multiple creative versions with creative rotation, ensuring the right ad is delivered to the right audience at the right time. 
  • DV360: DV360 offers advanced creative management tools that allow advertisers to manage, customize, and optimize ad creatives across multiple channels. The platform supports Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO), enabling real-time personalization of ads based on user data. The workflow is designed to streamline creative approval, asset distribution, and versioning, ensuring consistency and relevance across campaigns. With integrated creative review and feedback tools, advertisers can easily collaborate and ensure compliance with brand guidelines.

4. Reporting and Analytics

  • CM360: Provides comprehensive cross-channel reporting, allowing for detailed analysis of campaign performance across all served ads. Reports from CM360 can include metrics from multiple channels, providing a unified view of campaign success. It excels in offering a holistic perspective on the overall effectiveness of ads across different platforms​.
  • DV360: Focuses on real-time insights and optimization. It offers granular reporting on programmatic buys, helping to track ad performance at a more detailed level. DV360’s built-in intelligence provides automated recommendations and insights, helping advertisers adjust strategies on the fly for better performance.

5. Cost Management

  • CM360: Tracks costs primarily at the media and partner level. It offers high-level insights into campaign spend, allowing for budget analysis across various channels. CM360 can pull in DV360 cost data, though some discrepancies in metrics (e.g., YouTube costs) may require manual adjustments​.
  • DV360: Manages programmatic costs in real-time, including bid prices, third-party fees, and inventory costs. DV360’s cost metrics offer more granularity, helping to assess the financial efficiency of programmatic campaigns in detail. This makes DV360 a powerful tool for managing budgets in dynamic, fast-paced advertising environments​.

6. Campaign Management and Optimization

Both platforms enable advertisers to manage campaigns across multiple channels, such as display, video, mobile, and connected TV, ensuring unified ad management.

DV360 and CM360 offer robust reporting features, providing in-depth performance data to help advertisers track, measure, and optimize their campaigns effectively.

Both platforms integrate seamlessly with other Google tools like Google Analytics, Search Ads 360, and each other, providing a unified ecosystem for advertisers.

For better control over campaign execution and greater optimization capabilities, integrate Marketing Data Governance.

It is a powerful solution for campaign, brand and data compliance, governing campaigns on Google DV360, Google Campaign Manager 360, and many other advertising platforms.

Marketing Data Governance is an AI-powered solution for campaign, data, and performance compliance monitoring.
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Here's a breakdown of Marketing Data Governance features by campaign execution stages: 

  • Campaign setup governance at the pre-launch stage: Marketing Data Governance validates campaign setup, including targeting parameters, creative elements, budgets, and brand safety.
  • Campaign performance governance at the in-flight stage: Marketing Data Governance monitors whether campaigns meet your performance expectations and benchmarks. For example, the platform monitors and notifies you when the average cost per click exceeds the benchmark, CTR drops, or line items exceed a certain number of clicks.
  • Campaign analytics governance at the post-campaign stage: Marketing Data Governance validates the reliability of campaign data, including UTM naming conventions and data extraction statuses, and identifies any irregularities that could skew analytics results. 

The platform alerts on any anomalies and rule breaks and displays the overall state of campaign governance on a clear dashboard for further review and analysis.

Get a demo of Marketing Data Governance and see how it can help you thrive in the highly competitive space on Google Ads, DV360 and other platforms by continuously optimizing ROAS.

CM360 vs. DV360 Comparative Table

Aspect CM360 DV360
Primary Function Ad serving, tracking, and cross-channel reporting Programmatic media buying and real-time bidding (RTB)
Campaign Management Focused on centralized ad serving and tracking across channels Comprehensive programmatic buying across multiple ad exchanges
Optimization Provides detailed performance insights for optimizing placements Automated optimization through real-time bidding and targeting
Audience Targeting Basic audience segmentation and tracking Advanced targeting with audience segmentation, including lookalikes and custom audiences
Creative Management Centralized creative management for ad consistency Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) for real-time personalized creatives
Attribution & Conversion Advanced attribution and conversion tracking using floodlight tags Multi-touch attribution and conversion tracking with real-time optimization
Data Integration Seamlessly integrates with other Google tools for unified reporting Integrates third-party data and first-party data for advanced targeting
Cross-Channel Reach Supports tracking across multiple channels (display, video, mobile) Cross-channel programmatic campaigns across display, video, connected TV, mobile, and audio
Programmatic Capabilities Does not offer programmatic buying capabilities Full programmatic buying capabilities with Private Marketplace (PMP) deals and Programmatic Guaranteed
Best for Advertisers focusing on detailed tracking, attribution, and reporting Advertisers needing large-scale programmatic media buying and cross-channel reach

These differences highlight the specialized roles of CM360 and DV360: 

  • While CM360 serves as the backbone for ad management and reporting, 
  • DV360 focuses on optimizing programmatic buying with real-time data and dynamic audience targeting.
  • Together, these platforms provide a comprehensive solution for managing and optimizing digital ad campaigns across various platforms and channels.

Best Practices for Using CM360 and DV360 Together

Integrating Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360 can significantly enhance the efficiency and performance of digital ad campaigns. By following these best practices, it is possible to optimize workflows, improve reporting, and maximize the effectiveness of advertising efforts.

1. Maintain 1:1 Trafficking Between Platforms

Maintaining a 1:1 trafficking structure between CM360 and DV360 means ensuring that the setup, naming conventions, and trafficking of ads and campaigns remain consistent across both platforms. 

This alignment simplifies tracking and reporting, as it ensures a clear connection between campaign elements, such as placements, creatives, and audiences, across the two platforms. 

By mirroring the structure in CM360 and DV360, advertisers can more easily manage and optimize campaigns, track performance consistently, and streamline workflows, reducing the risk of data discrepancies and improving overall efficiency in media management.

2. Use Consistent Naming Conventions

Consistent naming conventions across both platforms facilitate easier tracking and reporting. When trafficking placements and creatives in CM360, ensure that the naming conventions are detailed and uniform. This consistency aids in better alignment when those creatives are imported into DV360 for programmatic buys.

Use campaign data management solutions like Marketing Data Governance to automatically ensure naming convention consistency across advertising platforms. This solution monitors campaign taxonomy, UTMs, and other parameters, alerting you to any inconsistencies or issues.

3. Enable Cost Reporting Across Platforms

For accurate budget analysis, it is important to pull DV360 cost data into CM360 reports. To do this, enable the “Report Display & Video 360 cost to Campaign Manager 360” setting in DV360. Additionally, ensure that the user in CM360 has the appropriate permissions to view cost data. This integration allows for a comprehensive view of campaign costs, including programmatic bids and third-party fees.

4. Align Audience Targeting Strategies

When using both platforms, align audience segmentation and targeting strategies. Audiences created in CM360 can be automatically shared with DV360, improving the effectiveness of programmatic campaigns. However, it is important to allow sufficient time for audience data to sync between platforms, particularly when working with large datasets or new segments.

5. Leverage Floodlight Data for Enhanced Attribution

Floodlight tags created in CM360 are crucial for tracking conversions and should be fully integrated into DV360 for more accurate attribution. Ensure that all Floodlight activities in CM360 are linked to the corresponding DV360 advertiser. This will allow DV360 to report on conversions specific to programmatic line items, contributing to more refined attribution models​ .

6. Plan for Cross-Channel Reporting

When linking CM360 and DV360, plan campaigns with cross-channel reporting in mind. Use CM360 to track the overall performance of campaigns across multiple channels, while leveraging DV360 for more detailed insights into programmatic ad buys. By doing so, it’s possible to gain a holistic view of campaign success and make data-driven adjustments across all platforms​.

Following these best practices, you can integrate both advertising platforms and achieve desired outcomes.


What is the primary difference between CM360 and DV360?

The primary difference between Campaign Manager 360 (CM360) and Display & Video 360 (DV360) lies in their core functions. CM360 focuses on managing and delivering ads across various channels, including display, video, and mobile. It provides ad serving, tracking, and reporting capabilities. DV360, on the other hand, is a demand-side platform (DSP) designed for programmatic ad buying. It automates media purchases across multiple ad exchanges and allows for advanced audience targeting and real-time bidding.

Can CM360 and DV360 be used together?

Yes, CM360 and DV360 can be used together, and integrating them can significantly enhance campaign performance. CM360 manages the ad serving and cross-channel reporting, while DV360 automates programmatic ad buying. Using them together streamlines workflows, enables seamless data sharing, and provides comprehensive cross-channel reporting.

How does audience targeting differ between CM360 and DV360?

CM360 allows for the management of first-party data to build audience segments based on user interactions, such as website visits or conversions. These segments can be shared with DV360. DV360 enhances audience targeting by integrating both first-party and third-party data, offering more advanced features like dynamic audience creation and frequency capping across campaigns.

What are the best practices for using CM360 and DV360 together?

Best practices for using CM360 and DV360 together include maintaining a 1:1 trafficking relationship between placements and creatives, using consistent naming conventions, enabling cost reporting across both platforms, and aligning audience targeting strategies. Leveraging Floodlight data from CM360 for enhanced attribution and planning cross-channel reporting are also recommended.

How does cost tracking differ between CM360 and DV360?

Cost tracking in CM360 is primarily focused on media and partner-level costs, offering higher-level insights across channels. DV360, on the other hand, provides more granular tracking of real-time programmatic costs, including bid prices, third-party fees, and inventory costs. Integrating cost data from DV360 into CM360 can help provide a comprehensive view of overall campaign spending.

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