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Everything You Need to Know About Enterprise Data Management

Managing, storing, and using data well is important in the 2024 business world. Enterprise Data Management (EDM) is a key strategy. It helps with making decisions and planning by making sure data is right, easy to get, and safe. This guide looks closely at Enterprise Data Management Systems (EDMS). It covers the main parts, how EDM is different from Master Data Management (MDM), and how to pick the best EDM solution. Also, it shares insights from Gartner's Magic Quadrant reports. These reports show the top solutions and new trends. They help businesses find their way through the complex world of EDM.

What Is Enterprise Data Management?

Enterprise data management (EDM) is the strategic process of organizing, storing, and analyzing data generated across different departments within an organization. It ensures that data, one of an enterprise's most valuable assets, is accurate, available, and secure, facilitating informed decision-making and operational efficiency.

At its core, EDM involves establishing policies, practices, and procedures to manage the data lifecycle. This includes data integration, quality, governance, and stewardship, aiming to provide a single, unified view of data across the enterprise. Effective EDM enables businesses to harness the power of their data, improving customer relationships, optimizing operations, and driving innovation.

In the context of marketing, EDM is critical for gaining insights into customer behavior, market trends, and the effectiveness of marketing strategies. It supports targeted marketing efforts, enhances customer experiences, and ultimately contributes to revenue growth. 

The Pillars of Enterprise Data Management

At the heart of effective enterprise data management (EDM) lie foundational pillars that uphold the integrity, accessibility, and security of an organization’s data. These pillars are essential for creating a robust EDM framework that supports data-driven decision-making and strategic business operations.

Data Governance

Data governance stands as a critical pillar within the framework of enterprise data management. It involves defining who has authority and control over data assets and how these assets are used and maintained.

The foundation of data governance lies in creating clear guidelines for data usage, data quality standards, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. This structured approach helps in mitigating risks, ensuring data privacy, and enhancing decision-making capabilities by providing stakeholders with reliable and consistent data.

One example of how you can apply data governance principles within marketing analytics is Improvado Workspaces. Workspaces enable users to create separate child environments within a single, overarching parent Improvado environment. Child environments can be tailored to specific client accounts or data sources like Google Ads or Salesforce, and the admin of the environment can manage who has access to what data. Such an approach to data management ensures that marketing strategies are built on trustworthy data and there's no unauthorized access to customer information.

Data Quality

Data quality is a fundamental pillar within EDM, focusing on the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of an organization's data. It encompasses processes and policies that ensure data is fit for its intended use, free from errors, and complete. 

In the realm of data quality, efforts are directed toward regular data cleaning, validation, and enrichment practices. These activities help in identifying and rectifying inaccuracies, duplications, and inconsistencies in the data. 

  • Data cleaning involves the removal of errors and inconsistencies, such as typos or outdated information, ensuring data accuracy. 
  • Validation processes check data against a set of rules or benchmarks to confirm its reliability and relevance, catching errors that cleaning might miss. 
  • Enrichment enhances data by appending additional relevant information, providing a more comprehensive view. 

Together, these activities are essential for safeguarding the quality of data used for decision-making and strategic planning.

Improvado is a marketing data pipeline and analytics platform.
A schematic representation of how Improvado ETL works

Pro tip: To streamline and automate the process of data cleansing, validation, and enrichment, leverage ETL solutions, standing for Extract, Transform, Load. This process involves extracting data from various sources, transforming it into a consistent format, and loading it into a destination system for analysis and reporting.

Improvado is a marketing-specific ETL platform that helps brands enhance data quality without the need for extensive technical expertise. It automates the extraction and transformation stages, ensuring data consistency and accuracy across different channels and platforms. With Improvado, businesses can integrate data from multiple sources into a unified view, significantly reducing the chances of errors and duplications. 

Data Integration

Data integration is a crucial pillar of Enterprise Data Management (EDM), focusing on merging data from disparate sources into a cohesive, unified system. This process is fundamental for organizations looking to gain a holistic view of their operations, customer interactions, and market trends.

Effective data integration enables seamless access to and analysis of data collected across various platforms, departments, and external sources. It eliminates silos, ensuring that decision-makers and analysts can rely on comprehensive and accurate datasets to inform strategic decisions.

Improvado automates the data integration process from online and offline sources.
Improvado data extraction capabilities

Once again, ETL tools are key to successful data integration. They automate the consolidation process, minimize errors, and maintain data integrity. For instance, Improvado provides 500+ pre-built API data connectors and flat data sources, meaning capabilities to gather data from a spreadsheet. Improvado further facilitates data integration and automation by offering data extraction templates, up to 5 years of historical data load, and hourly data sync.  

Integrating directly with source systems, Improvado facilitates the continuous flow of up-to-date information, critical for timely analysis and decision-making. Book a demo call to see how the platform works.

Data Security

Data security is another critical component of enterprise data management that ensures the protection of data from unauthorized access, breaches, and other threats. It incorporates a suite of technologies, policies, and practices specifically designed to secure digital information across its lifecycle, from creation and storage to transmission and disposal.

In the current landscape, where data breaches can significantly impact financial stability and corporate reputation, robust data security protocols are essential. Key measures include advanced encryption techniques, stringent access controls, ongoing security training for employees, and adherence to regulatory compliance standards like GDPR and HIPAA.

Metadata Management

Metadata management focuses on the organization and administration of data descriptors that provide information about various data assets. This process involves categorizing and cataloging data to ensure it can be easily located, accessed, and used effectively.

Effective metadata management enhances the discoverability of data, simplifies its interpretation, and ensures consistency across different systems and processes. It serves as a roadmap for decision-makers and analysts, enabling them to understand the context, source, and quality of the data they rely on for strategic planning and analysis.

By standardizing metadata across an organization, brands can streamline data integration, improve data quality, and facilitate compliance with data governance standards. Implementing a robust metadata management strategy empowers organizations to maximize the utility of their data assets, fostering a culture of informed decision-making and operational efficiency.

Data Lifecycle Management

Data lifecycle management focuses on the effective management of data from its creation or acquisition through to its retirement.

It encompasses several critical stages, each requiring precise handling to ensure data integrity and usefulness. Starting with data creation or acquisition, this stage involves capturing data accurately from various sources, including transactions, interactions, and sensor outputs. The focus here is on ensuring the initial quality and relevance of the data.

The next phase, data storage and maintenance, addresses the secure and efficient storage of data in databases, data lakes, or cloud environments. During this stage, data is organized, indexed, and made accessible to authorized users while being protected against unauthorized access or breaches. Regular audits and updates are performed to maintain data accuracy and relevancy over time.

Data utilization involves analyzing data to derive insights and support decision-making. This includes running queries, generating reports, and applying analytics models. It's crucial at this stage to apply appropriate methodologies to ensure that data analysis delivers accurate and actionable insights.

Finally, data archiving and deletion come into play as data reaches the end of its useful life. Policies for data retention, based on legal, regulatory, and business requirements, dictate how long data should be kept. After this period, data must be securely archived for future reference or safely deleted to protect sensitive information and manage storage costs efficiently.

Effective data lifecycle management requires a blend of technologies, processes, and policies.

Selecting an Enterprise Data Management Solution

Investing in an enterprise data management solution is a journey. It streamlines data governance, quality, integration, and security. Choosing the right EDM solution is crucial. It ensures effective data management across the enterprise. This supports better decision-making and compliance with regulations. 

Here are key steps for selecting an EDM solution.

1. Assess Your Data Needs and Goals

  • Identify Key Data Types: Understand the types of data your organization manages, including customer, product, financial, and operational data.
  • Define Your Goals: What does your organization hope to achieve with an EDM solution? Goals may include improved data quality, enhanced decision-making, regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency.

2. Evaluate the Data Governance Capabilities

  • Data Governance Framework: Look for solutions that offer robust data governance frameworks, allowing for the definition and enforcement of data policies and standards.
  • User Roles and Permissions: Ensure the solution provides granular control over user access to different types of data.

3. Consider Data Integration and Quality Features

  • Integration with Existing Systems: The solution should seamlessly integrate with your existing databases and software applications to consolidate and manage data effectively.
  • Data Quality Tools: Essential features include data cleansing, deduplication, validation, and enrichment to maintain high data quality.

4. Look for Scalability and Flexibility

  • Scalable Architecture: Choose a solution that can grow with your organization, handling increasing amounts of data and users without performance degradation.
  • Flexible Deployment Options: Consider whether cloud-based, on-premises, or hybrid deployment options best suit your organization's needs.

5. Review Security and Compliance Measures

  • Data Security: The solution must include robust security features, such as encryption, access controls, and audit trails, to protect sensitive data.
  • Compliance Support: Ensure it supports compliance with relevant regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) through features like data anonymization and consent management.

6. Check for Analytics and Reporting Capabilities

  • Advanced Analytics: Some EDM solutions offer built-in analytics tools, enabling organizations to derive insights directly from their managed data.
  • Reporting Tools: Reporting capabilities are important for monitoring data quality, compliance, and governance metrics.

7. Evaluate Vendor Support and Community

  • Vendor Support: Look for vendors that offer comprehensive support, including training, implementation assistance, and ongoing technical support.
  • User Community: A vibrant user community can provide valuable insights, best practices, and troubleshooting help.

8. Consider Total Cost of Ownership

  • Pricing Model: Understand the pricing structure, including any upfront costs, subscription fees, and charges for additional users or features.
  • Return on Investment: Consider the solution’s potential to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and drive better decision-making in the long term.

Top Enterprise Data Management Tools

When picking an EDM solution, businesses need a tool that fits current needs and grows with them. Here are some top EDM tools and their key features.


Alation stands out as a leading tool in the Enterprise Data Management (EDM) space, designed to enhance data discovery, governance, and literacy across organizations. It serves as a comprehensive data catalog that allows users to find, understand, and trust the data they need for their analytics projects.

One of Alation's core strengths is its collaborative platform, which enables users across different departments to contribute knowledge, curate data, and share insights. This collaborative approach ensures that data is accessible, understood and utilized effectively within the enterprise.

Alation also excels in automating data governance. It provides robust features for managing data policies, standards, and privacy regulations, making it easier for organizations to comply with industry regulations like GDPR and CCPA. 

Best For: Enterprises needing advanced data discovery and governance features.

Erwin Data Modeler

Erwin Data Modeler is another popular tool within the Enterprise Data Management (EDM) framework, specialized in creating and managing complex data architectures.

A key feature of Erwin Data Modeler is its robust data modeling capabilities. It allows for the construction of logical, physical, and conceptual data models, facilitating a clear understanding and organization of data structures. This modeling process is crucial for ensuring data integrity and consistency, particularly in complex environments involving multiple databases and systems.

Moreover, Erwin Data Modeler supports data standardization and governance by enabling the definition of data dictionaries and standards that can be applied across all models. This ensures that data definitions, rules, and structures remain consistent, which is critical for regulatory compliance and data quality management.

Best For: Organizations looking for powerful data modeling and database design tools.


Informatica is known for its ability to facilitate the seamless integration of data across various sources, whether on-premises or in the cloud, making it a vital tool for organizations navigating the complexities of modern data ecosystems.

At its core, Informatica provides robust data integration solutions, including ETL (extract, transform, load) processes that are essential for consolidating data from disparate sources into a unified format.

Informatica also provides data quality management features, including sophisticated tools for cleansing, profiling, and ensuring the accuracy of data. This focus on quality is crucial for enterprises aiming to base their strategic decisions on solid, error-free data.

Best For: Large enterprises with complex data environments and cloud-first strategies.

SAP Master Data Governance

SAP Master Data Governance (MDG) is a critical tool in the sphere of Enterprise Data Management (EDM), specifically tailored to streamline the management and governance of an organization's master data. This application is designed to ensure the uniformity, accuracy, and accountability of master data across an enterprise, making it an essential asset for businesses seeking to maintain high data quality standards.

SAP MDG facilitates centralized control and governance of master data domains, such as customers, products, employees, and suppliers, allowing businesses to create a single source of truth. This consolidation is crucial for eliminating data silos and inconsistencies, which, in turn, enhances operational efficiency and decision-making accuracy.

SAP MDG is also equipped with robust data governance frameworks and workflows that enable businesses to streamline the data creation, modification, and approval processes. These workflows not only improve data quality but also ensure compliance with internal and external data policies and regulations.

Best For: Organizations using SAP ecosystems needing robust data governance and quality management.

IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management

IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management is a sophisticated solution designed to centralize, streamline, and enhance the management of critical enterprise data across complex systems and processes.

This tool excels in creating a unified master data hub, enabling organizations to manage, consolidate, and synchronize master data regardless of where it resides, be it in cloud-based or on-premise systems. The goal is to eliminate data silos, reduce inconsistencies, and ensure that all departments and business units operate with the same set of accurate and up-to-date information.

IBM InfoSphere MDM supports a broad range of data domains and uses advanced algorithms to cleanse, match, and deduplicate data. This process ensures the high quality and reliability of master data, which is essential for operational excellence, regulatory compliance, and informed decision-making.

Additionally, InfoSphere MDM is known for its flexible deployment options, including on-premises, cloud, and hybrid models, catering to the specific needs and IT infrastructures of diverse organizations. It also features strong governance and stewardship capabilities, enabling businesses to define and enforce data policies and rules effectively.

Best For: Large enterprises with complex data management requirements across multiple data domains.


Improado is a user-friendly, AI-powered enterprise data management solution, tailored specifically for marketing data integration and management.

It stands out for its ability to automate the consolidation of data from a wide array of marketing platforms, channels, and databases, offering marketers and analysts a unified view of their data landscape without the need for extensive IT involvement.

A pivotal advantage of Improvado is its extensive connectivity, with support for over 500 marketing and sales platforms, offline and online sources. This capability ensures that enterprises can effortlessly amalgamate data from disparate systems, including social media, digital advertising platforms, CRM systems, and more, into a cohesive dataset ready for analysis.

One of Improvado's standout features is its flexibility in data transformation and normalization. The platform enables users to automate data mappings and transformations, ensuring that data from different sources can be harmonized into a consistent format. This process is crucial for accurate cross-channel analysis and reporting. 

Best For: Companies looking to improve their data management with a tool that's both powerful and easy to use.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are the core pillars of Enterprise Data Management?

The key pillars are data governance, quality, integration, security, metadata, and lifecycle. Each is vital for aligning data management with business goals.

How does EDM differ from MDM?

EDM manages data assets holistically for accuracy, usability, and security. MDM creates uniform master data sources, focusing on core entities.

What are the key considerations when selecting an EDM solution?

Key considerations involve assessing data needs and goals. It's essential to check data governance capabilities and data integration features. Also, consider scalability, flexibility, security, and compliance measures. Review analytics, reporting capabilities, and vendor support. Lastly, factor in the total cost of ownership.

What are the emerging trends in EDM as highlighted by Gartner?

Emerging trends show a rise in cloud-based EDM solutions. There's a focus on data quality and governance. AI and ML are used to improve data management. Integration capabilities are crucial for combining data from various sources.
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