
Select data sets to use in the report

Updated on

May 6, 2024

The Select Data Sets menu will show a list of Data Sources connected to your account.

In addition, it will offer to connect new data sources, or configure the import from CSV and Google Spreadsheet - this option appears at the bottom of the Data Sources list.

Press on the data source which you want to add to your report dataset. We have already mentioned this menu when talking about adding new account credentials for data sources. Here you can select an account you used during your advertising activity (you can include it as a whole or select only a few advertising campaigns).

In the same menu, you can set up a CSV import to add your data stored as a .csv file to the report dataset.

Enhanced Import Sequence

The Select Data Sets menu allows you not only to connect or reconnect data sources from the list of Improvado integrations but also to import data from your own sources. To find this option, scroll down to the end data sources list on the right side.

Click Import tile in the list and open the Import menu. It will give you two options: you can connect data from Google Spreadsheet or from a .csv, .tsv, .xls or .xslx file on your computer.


The following menu appearance will depend on your choice - it will have an input field for Google Spreadsheet URL or a form for file upload, similar to forms implemented in Image Upload and PDF Upload widgets.



Paste here your Spreadsheet URL or Drag and drop your file to continue.

If you selected Google Spreadsheet or Excel (.xls, .xlsx) file import you will be able to choose which sheet should be uploaded.


If you selected .csv source file you will be able to select file format parameters and preview parsing result for first rows.


Next window will help you to select source columns for service data (Date, Provider, Campaign, Segment) or fill this data with a static text. All input fields there must be specified. For spreadsheet-based sources, you will have an option to select a preferred date format.



Click next and proceed to the window which allows selecting source columns for metrics data. Here you can also map each imported column to one of the report columns.


Click Apply button to start final checkup. If no problems will be found import procedure starts immediately, otherwise you will see the following problem list:


You can ignore this warning and proceed upload by clicking Import anyway button.

Note: If imported data was not correct, a user can always remove products with wrong data from the report, and repeat the import procedure.

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Select data sets to use in the report


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