
Edit data sets

Updated on

May 3, 2024

Each data source you added to a report dataset will be displayed in the list at the left side of the Select Data Sets menu.


It shows all your data available in current report as a number of so-called line items. From here you can delete any line item you don’t need by clicking a trash can icon on the left side.

Each line item can include different dimensions, campaigns, accounts and even data sources. You can learn details on your line items structure and bindings by clicking a plus on the right.

You can update your line item or one of its bindings manually by clicking the Update button. In case of connection problems (i.e. in case of session or credentials expired) Update button turns into Reconnect.

For example, on the first screenshot, you can see that Facebook line item was added to the dataset, but it contains no accounts or campaigns right now. Typically line items shows structure like follows:

  • Lineitem
  • ~Agency 1
  • ~~Campaign 1
  • ~~Campaign 2
  • ~~Campaign …
  • ~Agency 2
  • ~~Campaign 1
  • ~~Campaign 2
  • ~~Campaign …

The other thing you can do from this menu is to edit a data source by clicking on the pencil button. This will open the Edit Lineitem_name menu, looking as follows:


The other thing you can do from this menu is to edit a data source by clicking on the pencil button. This allows you to rename the line item selected or add new data source bindings. This will open the menu where you can add one more data source which will be connected to the selected one. The menu itself looks just like the one you saw when adding your first data source to the dataset: it has an account selection option, the choice between adding the whole account and a number of campaigns, etc. but the result will be fundamentally different. You can see examples below:


Google Adwords line item in this example includes only some campaigns available for the account, while the Facebook line-item utilizes the whole account. The most important difference between these options is visible in the user interface. We highlighted it with blue and green marks.

  1. When you add the whole account to the line item it will be included in the list with the (whole account) mark next to its name.
  2. When you add the whole account to the line item you can’t delete a single campaign from it. Working with the whole account option you add or delete all - or nothing at all. Campaigns added in a stand-alone way can be removed whenever you want and don’t affect other campaigns on this account.

This difference will be best seen in an example of two different Facebook accounts each of them has its own advertising campaigns. You can use Connect Datasource twice - each time for each account - and your dataset will have two data sources, two lines at the left side of the Select Data Set screen, two different categories in the tables, two different colors on charts and graphs.

But, if you connect only one account as a data source, then select it on the left list, press on the pencil icon and add another account in the editing screen, then they will be counted as one. One data source, one line in the table, one set of metrics, summarizing both of their results in one set of numbers. Instead of two independent data sources this function creates a composite one.

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Edit data sets


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