Updated on
Feb 17, 2025
Choose the required connection from the connected sources list to dive into its settings and see the related extraction orders list.
Here you see a Page header and the following tabs:
The Page header shows brief details about the connected data source, business account, your credentials validity status, and the number of active accounts.
You can set up data extraction only for an active connection with at least one connected account by clicking on the Extract button on the top right corner of this page. In other cases, this button will be non-clickable.
{%docs-informer info%}
The number of active accounts is displayed in the Page header.
If you have any questions about how to create an extraction order, please check out this instruction.
This tab shows you the list of extraction orders for the current connection. You can read more about it here.
This tab shows you the list of connected accounts for the data source connection.
You can also update the list of accounts for the data source by clicking the Sync accounts button.
This section shows what is used to pull data from your account into Improvado Data warehouse:
The business account and business account ID you used for this connection are listed below.
You can click the Re-connect button to edit the connection credentials. This button is always available even if there are no Errors with the Connection.
Deleting a connection will stop extracting data for this connection immediately. You will delete our reference to this connection, but it will not affect the data.
Please note that you can not undo this change!
The list of Data source accounts is updated daily. You can also update the list of accounts by clicking the Sync Accounts button on the Connection Details page. The duration of the account synchronization depends on the Data source service processing speed and the size of the data.
Click on the Extract button for the required Connection in the Connected sources list.
Then, you can set up the data extraction in four simple steps:
You can check out a more in-depth guide here.
Improvado team is always happy to help with any other questions you might have! Send us an email.
Contact your Customer Success Manager or raise a request in Improvado Service Desk.