
SAP HANA - Troubleshooting

Updated on

Jan 22, 2024

While configuring your SAP HANA connection, you may encounter several issues. Understanding these common errors can help streamline the setup process and facilitate quick resolutions.

Wrong input data

  • Wrong username/password
  • Wrong host (invalid)
  • Wrong host (valid, but has not sap hana instance)
  • Wrong port
  • Wrong schema

Error messages:

{%docs-informer error%} "Authentication to a destination database failed. Please check that username and password are correct and try again. If that did not help, you should probably whitelist our IP's in Clickhouse configuration and select "Use static IP = YES" in connection parameters." "Failed to connect to the server. Please check that host and port are correct. If your database is behind a firewall, make sure you whitelisted our IP's in your network policy and select "Use static IP = YES" in connection parameters." "Schema does not exist. Please check your credentials." {%docs-informer-end%}

General solution

Verify Username and Password:

  • Confirm that the username and password are correct. If in doubt, reset them or verify them with your database administrator.

Whitelist IP Addresses:

  • If you receive an authentication failure message, ensure that your IP addresses are whitelisted in the Clickhouse configuration. Enable "Use static IP = YES" in your connection parameters for a stable connection.

Check Host and Port Settings:

  • For 'Failed to connect to the server' errors, verify that the host address and port number are correctly entered. Ensure the host is active and the SAP HANA instance is running on the specified port.

Firewall Considerations:

  • If your database is behind a firewall, make sure that the IP addresses used for the connection are whitelisted in your network policy.

Schema Verification:

  • For 'Schema does not exist' errors, double-check that the specified schema is correct and exists in your SAP HANA database. Correct any typographical errors or misconfigurations.

Refer to the Documentation if necessary.

Wrong permissions

Error message:

{%docs-informer error%} "Insufficient privileges to perform operations. You should grant all permissions specified in the docs." {%docs-informer-end%}


Identify Necessary Permissions:

  • Consult the SAP HANA documentation to determine the precise permissions required for the user or user group. The necessary permissions typically include ```CREATE```, ```DELETE```, ```DROP```, ```EXECUTE```, ```INDEX```, ```INSERT```, ```SELECT```, ```UPDATE```, and ```SELECT METADATA```.

Grant Appropriate Privileges:

  • Log in to your SAP HANA system as an administrator or a user with sufficient privileges.
  • Use SQL commands to adjust user or group privileges. For instance, ```GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA my_schema TO my_user```; will allow ```my_user``` to read data in ```my_schema```.

Apply Changes:

  • After setting the permissions, ensure that the changes are saved and take effect. This might require executing additional commands or restarting the HANA system.

Verify Access:

  • Once the permissions have been updated, have the user or group retry the operations to confirm that the 'Permission Denied' error has been resolved.

Whitelist errors

Error message:

{%docs-informer error%} "Failed to connect to the server. Please check that credentials are correct. If your database is behind a firewall, make sure you whitelisted our IP's in your network policy and select Use static IP = YES in connection parameters." {%docs-informer-end%}


Verify Credentials:

  • Ensure that the database credentials (username and password) are correct. If you suspect they're incorrect, try resetting them or confirm with your database administrator.

Whitelist IP Addresses:

  • If your database is secured by a firewall, add the IP addresses used for connection to the whitelist in your network policy. This step is crucial to allow the incoming connection requests.

Use Static IP Configuration:

  • In your database connection parameters, enable the "Use static IP = YES" option. This ensures that your connection attempts are made from a consistent and recognized IP address.

Test the Connection:

  • After making these changes, reattempt to connect to the server to verify if the whitelist issue has been resolved.

{%docs-informer info%} If none of the provided solutions worked, feel free to raise a request via the Service Desk {%docs-informer-end%}

Schema information

Setup guide


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SAP HANA - Troubleshooting


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