While configuring your DataBricks connection, you may encounter several issues. Understanding these common errors can help streamline the setup process and facilitate quick resolutions.
Wrong input data
- wrong/invalid server hostname
- firewall issue
Error message:
{%docs-informer error%}
"Check that your hostname was provided correctly. If your database is behind a firewall, make sure you whitelisted our IP's and select "Use static IP = YES" in connection parameters. Check that your hostname was provided correctly. If your database is behind a firewall, make sure you whitelisted our IP's and select "Use static IP = YES" in connection parameters."
General solution
Hostname Verification:
- Confirm the hostname is entered correctly in your DataBricks connection settings.
Firewall Configuration:
- Ensure your firewall has whitelisted the necessary IP addresses for DataBricks access.
- Set "Use static IP = YES" in the DataBricks connection parameters to maintain a consistent IP address during connections.
Refer to the documentation if necessary.
Token issues
- Wrong Databricks access token
- Token without write permission
- Token without delete permission
- Filepath to a forbidden directory
Error message:
{%docs-informer error%}
"Check that your hostname was provided correctly. If your database is behind a firewall, make sure you whitelisted our IP's and select "Use static IP = YES" in connection parameters."
Access Token Validation:
- Double-check the access token for correctness. Tokens must be exact, with no errors in character entry.
Ensure Adequate Permissions:
- Verify that the token permissions include ```WRITE``` and ```DELETE``` capabilities required for DataBricks operations.
Test Token Functionality:
- After validation and permission checks, perform a test run to ensure the token works as expected for operations in DataBricks.
{%docs-informer info%}
If none of the provided solutions worked, feel free to raise a request via the
Service Desk