
Azure Blob Storage - Troubleshooting

Updated on

Jan 29, 2024

While configuring your Azure Blob Storage connection, you may encounter several issues. Understanding these common errors can help streamline the setup process and facilitate quick resolutions.

Wrong input data

  • Wrong Account URL (non-existent)

Error message:

{%docs-informer error%} "Cannot connect to host Name or service not known. Please check that you use the right account URL." {%docs-informer-end%}


Check Account URL:

  • Confirm the correctness of the Azure Blob Storage account URL. Ensure no typographical errors and that the format matches Azure's standard URL structure.

Validate URL Existence:

  • Ensure that the specified Blob Storage account exists within your Azure subscription. Non-existent or deleted accounts can cause this error.

Reattempt Connection:

  • After verifying and correcting the URL, try connecting to the Azure Blob Storage account again.

Refer to the Documentation if necessary.

Access Configuration Errors

  • Wrong Account URL (existing)
  • Wrong SAS token (invalid signature)
  • Expired SAS token

Error messages:

{%docs-informer error%} "Signature did not match for the account: account_name. Please check that you use the right account URL and appropriate SAS token." "Server failed to authenticate the request: Signature not valid in the specified time frame: Please generate a new SAS token and re-authorize. " {%docs-informer-end%}


Verify Account URL and SAS Token:

  • Double-check the account URL in use to ensure it matches the correct Azure Blob Storage account.
  • Confirm that the SAS (Shared Access Signature) token is correctly generated for the specified account.

Regenerate SAS Token:

  • If the signature does not match, generate a new SAS token. Make sure it is aligned with the account URL and has the correct permissions.

Check Token Validity Period:

  • For the 'Signature not valid in the specified time frame' error, ensure the SAS token is within its valid time frame. Regenerate the token if it has expired.

Reauthorize Connection:

  • After generating a new SAS token and verifying the account URL, reconnect to the Azure Blob Storage with the updated credentials.

SAS Token Restrictions

  • IP not whitelisted using SAS token
  • With no write permission
  • With no allowed resource type Object

Error message:

{%docs-informer error%} "This request is not authorized to perform this operation using this permission. Please generate a new SAS token with the correct permissions. You should allow access from any IP address (leave the field "Allowed IP addresses" blank)." {%docs-informer-end%}


Generate New SAS Token:

  • Create a new SAS (Shared Access Signature) token with the necessary permissions for the intended operation.

Adjust Permissions:

  • Ensure the new SAS token includes appropriate permissions, such as ```read```, ```write```, or ```delete```, as required for your specific operation.

Configure IP Whitelisting:

  • In the SAS token settings, leave the "Allowed IP addresses" field blank to permit access from any IP address, avoiding IP-based restrictions.

{%docs-informer info%} If none of the provided solutions worked, feel free to raise a request via the Service Desk {%docs-informer-end%}

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