
Redshift - Troubleshooting

Updated on

Dec 18, 2023

While configuring your Redshift connection, you may encounter several issues. Understanding these common errors can help streamline the setup process and facilitate quick resolutions.

Wrong input data

  • Wrong Port
  • Invalid host
  • Wrong Database Name
  • Wrong Username or wrong (but existing) host
  • Wrong schema

Error messages:

{%docs-informer error%} "Connection timeout. Please check your connection settings and firewall." "Invalid host. Please check your connection settings." "Database 'db_name' does not exist. Please check your connection settings." "Authentication failed. Wrong user or host. Please check your connection settings." "Schema does not exist. Please check your connection settings." {%docs-informer-end%}

General Solution

Check Connection Settings:

  • Review the details like host, port, database name, and schema in your connection settings. Ensure they are accurately configured as per your Redshift cluster.

Resolve Connection Timeouts:

  • For 'Connection timeout' errors, check your network's firewall settings. Ensure that the Redshift cluster's IP addresses are allowed and not blocked.

Verify Host Information:

  • If encountering 'Invalid host' errors, confirm that the host address is correct and matches the endpoint of your Redshift cluster.

Database Existence Check:

  • For errors related to the database not existing, ensure the specified database name ('db_name') exists in your Redshift cluster. Correct any typographical errors or misconfigurations.

Authentication Review:

  • Address 'Authentication failed' errors by verifying that the username and password are correct. Also, confirm that you are connecting to the correct host or endpoint.

Schema Verification:

  • If receiving errors that a schema does not exist, double-check the schema name specified in your connection settings. Ensure it exists in the specified database.

Retry Connection:

  • After making these adjustments, try reconnecting to your Redshift cluster to see if the issues are resolved.

Refer to the Documentation if necessary.

Wrong permissions

Error message:

{%docs-informer error%} "Permission denied. Please define appropriate access privileges for a user or user group. " {%docs-informer-end%}


Grant Required Privileges:

  • Log in to your Amazon Redshift cluster as a superuser or as a user with sufficient privileges to modify user permissions.
  • Use SQL commands to grant these necessary permissions to the user or group. For example, execute a command like ```GRANT SELECT```, ```INSERT```, ```DELETE ON database_name.* TO 'user_name'```; to grant these privileges for all tables in a specific database.

Apply Changes:

  • Ensure that any changes made to user or group privileges are saved and applied. In Redshift, changes take effect immediately.

Test Permissions:

  • After updating the privileges, have the user or group perform the same operations again to confirm that the 'Permission Denied' error has been resolved.

{%docs-informer info%} If none of the provided solutions worked, feel free to raise a request via the Service Desk {%docs-informer-end%}

Schema information

Setup guide


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