
FTP - Troubleshooting

Updated on

Jan 29, 2024

While configuring your FTP connection, you may encounter several issues. Understanding these common errors can help streamline the setup process and facilitate quick resolutions.

Wrong input data

  • Wrong user/password
  • Wrong host (invalid)
  • Wrong host (valid, but has not FTP configuration)
  • Wrong port
  • Whitelist issue
  • Unauthorized
  • Authentication failed

Error messages:

{%docs-informer error%} "Authentication failed. Please check your credentials." "Failed to connect to the FTP server. Please check that host, port and encryption are correct. If you are using a firewall, make sure you whitelisted our IP's in your network policy and select "Use static IP = YES" in connection parameters." {%docs-informer-end%}

General solution

Verify Credentials:

  • Double-check your username and password for accuracy. Ensure there are no typographical errors and that the caps lock is off.

Check your host configuration:

  • Invalid Host: Verify the host address is correct. Confirm you're using the right URL or IP address.
  • Valid Host Without FTP Configuration: Ensure the server is set up for FTP connections. Contact your server administrator if necessary.

Check the port settings:

  • Check if you're using the correct port for your FTP connection. Standard FTP ports are 21 for active connections and 22 for SFTP (if using FTP over SSH).

Whitelist IP Addresses:

  • If your network uses a firewall or similar restrictions, ensure that the FTP server's IP address is whitelisted. Also, in your FTP client or system settings, select "Use static IP = YES" if this option is available.

General Checks:

  • Verify if any recent changes were made to the FTP server settings.
  • Check the network connection stability.
  • Restart the FTP client and try connecting again.
Refer to the Documentation if necessary.

Wrong permissions

Error message:

{%docs-informer error%} "Permission denied. Please check that folder is correct and check your FTP server configuration." {%docs-informer-end%}


Verify Folder Path:

  • Ensure the path to the FTP folder is correct. Mistyped paths can often lead to permission errors.

Review FTP Permissions:

  • Check the permissions set for the folder in question on the FTP server. Ensure that the user account used for access has the appropriate permissions (```read```, ```write```, ```execute```).

Adjust User Settings:

  • In the FTP server settings, modify the user or group permissions. This may involve setting specific ```read/write``` privileges for the user or group in relation to the target folder.

Apply and Test:

  • Save any changes to the permissions and reattempt access to the folder. Verify that the permission issue is resolved.

Service disruptions

  • Service Not Available
  • Connection Closed
  • Transfer abort

Error message:

{%docs-informer error%} "FTP server not available. Please try again later or check your FTP server configuration." "FTP connection closed. Please try again later or check your FTP server configuration." "Requested action aborted. Please try again later or check your FTP server configuration. " {%docs-informer-end%}


Check Server Availability and Action Status:

  • Attempt to reconnect after a short wait. It may be a temporary network or server problem.

Review Server Configuration:

  • Ensure correct FTP server setup. Check recent changes affecting connectivity and network settings.

Attempt Reconnection:

  • Retry connecting to the FTP server after a pause. Persistent failure to connect may indicate a more significant problem.

Insufficient storage space

Error message:

{%docs-informer error%} "Insufficient storage space." {%docs-informer-end%}


Free Up Space:

  • Delete unnecessary files from the FTP server to create more storage space.
  • Archive older files to an alternative storage location if they're not actively needed.

Increase Storage Capacity:

  • If possible, expand the storage capacity of your FTP server.
  • Consider upgrading your FTP hosting plan to accommodate larger data needs.

Optimize File Sizes:

  • Compress larger files before uploading them to the FTP server to save space.
  • Review and optimize data formats to ensure efficient use of storage.

Scheme issues

  • Security scheme is not implemented

Error message:

{%docs-informer error%} "Security scheme is not implemented. Please try to connect with plain FTP encryption." {%docs-informer-end%}


Switch to Plain FTP:

  • Adjust your FTP client settings to connect using plain FTP (without encryption).
  • This change is necessary when the server does not support the encryption method initially attempted.

Check Server Capabilities:

  • Confirm with your FTP server provider or administrator if the server supports encrypted connections and which protocols are available.

Assess Security Needs:

  • Be aware that plain FTP does not encrypt data, which may pose security risks, especially when transmitting sensitive information.

Consider Alternatives:

  • If security is a concern, explore alternative secure file transfer methods compatible with your server's capabilities.

PROT level issues

  • The requested PROT level is not supported

Error message:

{%docs-informer error%} "PROT level is not supported. Please check your FTP server configuration." {%docs-informer-end%}


Review Server Configuration:

  • Check your FTP server settings to ensure it's configured to support the desired PROT (protection) level for data transfer.
  • If the current PROT level setting is not supported, adjust it to a compatible level.

Update FTP Client Settings:

  • Align your FTP client's PROT setting with what's supported by the server.
  • This might involve selecting a lower level of data transfer protection or disabling it.

Consult Server Documentation:

  • Refer to your FTP server's documentation for guidance on supported PROT levels and configuration instructions.

Contact Server Administrator:

  • If you're unable to resolve the issue, reach out to your network or server administrator for assistance.

{%docs-informer info%} If none of the provided solutions worked, feel free to raise a request via the Service Desk {%docs-informer-end%}

Schema information

Setup guide


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FTP - Troubleshooting


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