

Learn how to leverage the Mapping feature to streamline the integration of data from multiple sources within the AI Notebook environment.

What is Mapping and how to use it?

The main problem of mapping from different tables is that columns from different sources are always named differently, and in order to have a beautiful dashboard we need to find a way to combine them under one name and group data from a large number of sources.

We are pleased to announce the Mapping feature.

This feature allows users to create a fully customized mapping, across different data sources using simple, no-code interference.

It consists of several components:

  • Output schema — this includes the name and the list of columns that you want to have in the final data model. In other words, it's the list of columns you wish to see in the final report.
  • Sources — these are the data sources you want to combine. There can be an unlimited number of them.

The process of using it is very simple — you just add columns to the output schema (the ones you want to see in the final report/model), and then for the selected tables, you choose existing columns from the list.

Once the mapping is ready, just click Submit and our AI Agent will make an SQL query and you will get the structure you wanted.

Frequently asked questions

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