Updated on
Oct 19, 2023
Improvado Attribution allows you to fine-tune the output data by giving you full control over metrics and dimensions. This gives you the flexibility to create dashboards that are tailored to your specific needs and provide insights into your marketing performance. We prepared the example Dashboard that serves as a reference point for visualizing and interpreting the Attribution data effectively.
Field name (generic) | Description | Classification | Comment |
```goal``` | attribution | required | Goal number |
```goal_n_attribution_model_wight``` | attribution | required | Goal N weight for each attribution model |
```goal_n_source_goal_value_attribution_model``` | attribution | required | Multipliplication of goal_n_attribution_model_weight and goal_n_value defined in input params |
```goal_n_macrosession_id``` | attribution | required | Macrosession for each goals, unifyed id that cover all events that preceded of goal |
```goal_n_id``` | attribution | required | Goal id from datasource |
```goal_n_datetime``` | attribution | required | Datetime of goal from datasource |
```is_attributed``` | attribution | required | Boolen field, that show attributed or not this goal |
```attribution_datetime``` | attribution | required | Datetime of goal attributed |
```advertiser_id``` | combined | required | MCDM param |
```advertiser_name``` | combined | required | MCDM param |
```datasource``` | combined | required | Source of row |
```global_account_id``` | combined | required | Generated by graph |
```global_user_id``` | combined | required | Generated by graph |
```event_datetime``` | combined | required | Datetime of event/action |
```event_name``` | combined | required | Name of event/action |
```event_date``` | combined | required | Date of event/action |
```event_category``` | combined | required | Category of event/action |
```event_type``` | combined | required | Type of event/action |
```session_channel``` | webtracking | required | |
```session_id``` | webtracking | required | |
```session_source``` | webtracking | required | |
```session_medium``` | webtracking | required | |
```session_campaign``` | webtracking | required | |
```session_content``` | webtracking | required | |
```session_term``` | webtracking | required | |
```session_adgroup_id``` | webtracking | optional | |
```landing_page``` | webtracking | required | |
```current_url``` | webtracking | optional | |
```lp_category``` | webtracking | required | |
```referring_domain``` | webtracking | optional | |
```user_id``` | webtracking | required | mixpanel - distinct_id, ga - google_client_id |
```email``` | webtracking | optional | |
```invitee_email``` | chilipiper | optional | |
```invitee_name``` | chilipiper | optional | |
```event_type_name``` | chilipiper | optional | |
```assignee_name``` | chilipiper | optional | |
```assignee_email``` | chilipiper | optional | |
```invitee_budget``` | chilipiper | optional | |
```chilipiper_id``` | chilipiper | optional | |
```opportunity_id``` | CRM | required | |
```opportunity_name``` | CRM | optional | |
```stage_name``` | CRM | optional | |
```amount``` | CRM | required | |
```opportunity_closed_won_amount``` | CRM | required | |
```opportunity_sql``` | CRM | optional | |
```opportunity_sql_datetime``` | CRM | optional | |
```opportunity_closed_lost_date``` | CRM | optional | |
```opportunity_time_to_won``` | CRM | optional | |
```lead_source``` | CRM | optional | |
```opportunity_closed_won_date``` | CRM | required | |
```is_active_pipeline``` | CRM | optional | Calculated metric |
```salesforce_account_id``` | CRM | optional | |
```company_size``` | CRM | required | |
```new_booking_arr``` | CRM | optional | Calculated metric |
```is_active_pipeline_amount``` | CRM | optional | Calculated metric |
All channels with revenue.
Field name (generic) | Description | Classification | Comment |
```global_account_id``` | attribution | required | Unique Account identity created by Improvado's Identity Resolution Engine |
```global_user_id``` | attribution | required | Unique User identity created by Improvado's Identity Resolution Engine |
```datasource``` | combined | required | CRM / Web analytics / eComm |
```event_datetime``` | combined | required | Datetime when the event happened |
```attribution_model``` | attribution | required | Specific attribution model |
```salesforce_account_id``` | CRM | required | Unique identifier of an account (company) |
```opportunity_id``` | CRM | required | Unique identifier of an opportunity |
```amount``` | CRM | required | Potential revenue of the opportunity |
```new_booking_arr``` | CRM | required | Won revenue of the opportunity |
```stage_name``` | CRM | required | The current stage of the opportunity in its life cycle |
```event_name``` | combined | required | Unique data point that represents an interaction between a user and your product |
```landing_page``` | webtracking | required | The URL of the webpage on which client was first landed in session that triggered actionable goal |
```lp_category``` | webtracking | required | The category of the webpage on which client was first landed in session that triggeret actionable goal |
```current_url``` | webtracking | required | The URL of the webpage on which client done actionable goal |
```session_channel``` | webtracking | required | Channel |
```session_source``` | webtracking | required | Source |
```session_medium``` | webtracking | required | Medium |
```session_campaign``` | webtracking | required | Campaign |
```session_content``` | webtracking | required | Content |
```session_term``` | webtracking | required | Term |
```session_adgroup_id``` | webtracking | required | adgroup or gid_ from utm |
```goal_datetime``` | attribution | required | Datetime when goal was reached |
```goal``` | attribution | required | Goal number in customer classification (ex 1 -Lead, 2 - Disco booked etc) |
```goal_name``` | attribution | required | Custom goal name |
```goal_weight``` | attribution | required | Goal weight according attribution model |
```goal_value``` | attribution | required | Goal value according to specific attribution model |
```advertiser_id``` | combined | optional | |
```advertiser_name``` | combined | optional | |
```event_category``` | combined | optional | |
```event_date``` | combined | optional | |
```session_id``` | webtracking | optional | |
```event_datetime``` | combined | optional | |
```goal_n_macrosession_id``` | attribution | optional | |
```is_attributed``` | attribution | optional | |
```goal_n_id``` | attribution | optional | |
```event_type``` | combined | optional | |
```attribution_datetime``` | attribution | optional | |
```opportunity_name``` | CRM | optional | |
```opportunity_closed_won_amount``` | CRM | optional | |
opportunity_sql | CRM | optional | |
opportunity_sql_datetime | CRM | optional | |
opportunity_closed_lost_date | CRM | optional | |
opportunity_time_to_won | CRM | optional | |
lead_source | CRM | optional | |
opportunity_closed_won_date | CRM | optional | |
is_active_pipeline | CRM | optional | |
company_size | CRM | optional | |
is_active_pipeline_amount | CRM | optional | |
invitee_email | chilipiper | optional | |
invitee_name | chilipiper | optional | |
event_type_name | chilipiper | optional | |
assignee_name | chilipiper | optional | |
assignee_email | chilipiper | optional | |
invitee_budget | chilipiper | optional | |
chilipiper_id | chilipiper | optional | |
user_id | webtracking | optional | |
webtracking | optional | ||
referring_domain | webtracking | optional |
Paid ads channels with ad spend and revenue.
Field name | Datasource | Requirements | Description |
attribution_model | attribution | required | Specific attribution model |
date | attribution | required | Datestamp |
channel | attribution | optional | Channel here will ADS everywhere |
source | attribution | required | Source |
campaign | attribution | required | Campaign |
term | attribution | required | Term (keyword) |
spend | mcdm | required | Ad spend |
impressions | mcdm | required | Impressions |
clicks | mcdm | required | Clicks |
goal_n_count | attribution | required | Sum of goal reaches |
goal_3_amount_value | attribution | required | Sum of potential revenue of all created opportunities $US |
goal_3_new_booking_arr_value | attribution | required | Sum of revenue of won opportunities $US |
is_active_pipeline_amount | attribution | optional | Sum of potential revenue of active opportunities $US (not loss/won) |
is_active_pipeline | attribution | optional | Number of active opportunities |
adset_id | mcdm | optional | Adset_id from MCDM |
adset_name | mcdm | optional | Adset_name from MCDM |
opportunity_sql | attribution | optional | Custom metric |
Improvado team is always happy to help with any other questions you might have! Send us an email.
Contact your Customer Success Manager or raise a request in Improvado Service Desk.
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