
AI Recipes

Learn how to set up AI Recipe and adapt it to your goals

What is AI Recipe and how to use it?

Recipes — pre-built notebooks that are easily adaptable and configurable.

Now we have several recipes.

  • Weekly Insights
  • Marketing Data Governance rules
  • Ads Performance

The main thing about recipes that we will turn on for customers and they will be able to set up it by their own: easily, without any technical support.Let’s look at it through the example of an Ads Performance recipe.

Available recipes

To find all recipes that you can start use — you need to navigate in the left-side panel and open Onboarding Notebook.

In the Onboarding Notebook, go to "Available Recipes" and select the most relevant one. Clicking "Create" will open the recipe in the same tab, allowing you to start configuring it.

How to use recipes?

  • You can create it using AI Agent UI in Improvado Platform and click here: Create Ads Performance recipe.
  • Once you create it — you will see the cells that haven’t run yet.
    • It means that you need to go through recipe and adapt it to your goals. Add more data sources, change the column mapping (add more columns, remove redundant columns), add filters, or something else.
  • To change anything — you need to click edit and submit once you made the changes you want and it will re-run the cell with your changes.
  • When you update and rerun the cell, it will show you an output.
  • Each step in an AI agent has a memory of previous cells. Therefore, when you launch the next cell with column mapping, it will be applied to all tables from the previous step.
  • And the last step in the Ads Performance recipe — creating a view. Creating a view is how we can save our new model with combined tables, new mapping, and new filters — as a separate object that we can work with: build a dashboard on top of this model, query it, and so on.
    • The one thing you need to do is just assign a name to this view and AI will save it in the db

Frequently asked questions

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Contact your Customer Success Manager or raise a request in Improvado Service Desk.